Mission Statement of the 120th Class
We, the Knights of the 120th Class of The Society of Innocents, will embody and promote the pillars of superior academic achievement, unparalleled leadership, and selfless service.
We will empower one another and build inclusive communities through honesty, empathy, and vulnerability. The impact of sharing such experiences cannot be understated.
We will strive for authenticity and foster curiosity, both intellectually and interpersonally. Those who are discretely confident understand themselves and the world around them.
We will champion all that is good within the University and throughout the state of Nebraska. A humble passion to serve the common good is essential for fighting injustice.
Thirteen, united as one, we will use our diverse backgrounds to lead and move the Society forward while upholding its rich, uniquely Nebraskan traditions.
We are entrenched in history, advanced by generations, and supported from within.
The movement continues with us.
Charlotte Brockman, President
Gooding, ID

Charlotte Brockman is an Agronomy Major with an emphasis in Soil Science and Minor in International Trade. On campus, is a member of the UNL Soil Judging Team, involved in the University Honors Program and a UCARE Scholar. She also serves as a teaching assistant for Introduction to Soils, and mentors aspiring entrepreneurs as a Trail Guide in the Engler Program. Charlotte loves to travel and has participated in study abroad programs to Brazil and Rwanda, in addition to her travels to Mexico, Saudi Arabia, Ireland, and Germany. Off campus, Charlotte is actively involved in a variety of Entrepreneurial efforts, volunteers in the community, and works as a free-lance writer for Nebraska Farmer. She is passionate about empowering people through entrepreneurship to build sustainable agricultural systems around the world. Her hobbies include, reading, spending time outdoors, and exploring new restaurants in Lincoln.
Spencer Knight, Vice President
North Liberty, IA

Spencer Knight, son of Jeff and Summer Knight, is a civil engineering major with minors in mathematics and music. On campus, Spencer stays involved through his membership in Kappa Kappa Psi, Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia, Engineering Ambassadors, the University Honors Program, and a number of instrumental ensembles, including the Cornhusker Marching Band. Spencer is the current mellophone section leader for the CMB; he also previously served as the Chapter President of both Kappa Kappa Psi and Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia, and he continues his involvement in each by serving in regional officer positions. Spencer is a recipient of the Chancellor's Scholarship and on the College of Engineering Dean's List. He is passionate about engineering, music, and service, but also prioritizes spending time with the people he cares about. After graduation, Spencer plans to return to UNL to obtain his master's degree.
Andrew Chlebinski, Secretary
Omaha, NE

Andrew Chlebinski, son of Tim and Jen Chlebinski of Omaha, is a chemical biology and forensic anthropology double major. On campus, Andrew is a general chemistry recitation teaching assistant, resident assistant, and involved in the University Honors Program.
Andrew was involved in the Summer Undergraduate Research Program at the University of Nebraska Medical Center, where he studied the genetic expression of Sjogren-Larsson Syndrome. He is an active member in university intramural sports programs and can be found participating in multiple leagues. Andrew is a Regents Scholar and on the College of Arts and Sciences Dean's List. After graduation, Andrew plans to pursue medical school.
Nikolas Mancio, Treasurer
Porto Alegre, Brazil

Nikolas Mancio, son of Hilton Mancio and Adriana Mainieri is a Finance and Accounting double-major. On-campus, Nikolas is the Vice-President of the Brazilian Student Association, the founder and president of the Teqball Club, an associate at the Husker Venture Fund, and an active member of Beta Alpha Psi. Nikolas works as a student assistant at the Dean’s Office at the College of Business, and is currently an intern at Ernst & Young. He has been involved on campus through clubs, but by participating in events such as the Tenaska Business Challenge, in which he got second place, the US Naval Leadership Conference, and Career Expeditions through the College of Business. Nikolas is a University Honors Program Student.
Renata Cadena, Sergeant at Arms
Houston, TX

Renata Cadena, daughter of Michelle and Carlos Cadena, is a Criminology and Criminal Justice major with minors in Sociology and Spanish. On campus, she is the President of Delta Xi Nu Multicultural Sorority, Inc. which is the only multicultural sorority in the state of Nebraska. Collectively, they have raised over $15,000 for non profits emphasizing child exploitation. Renata is also the senator for the College of Public Affairs and Community Service, while serving as the DEI Chair for ASUN. Currently she is the Speaker of the Senate and through her tenure, she has implemented mandated DEI and LGBTQ+ training, started a Inclusive Excellence Scholarship, revived the Executive Council of Multicultural Organizations, has increased MGC visibility on campus, and has hosted many events to amplify minority voices on campus. Off campus, Renata interns at Wild Learning LLC, which promotes inclusivity, conflict-resolution, and individuality.
Kayli Pham, Keeper of Traditions
Elkhorn, NE

Kayli Pham, daughter of Khoi Pham and Phuong Tran of Omaha, is a communication sciences and disorders major with an emphasis in speech-language pathology, and minors in education studies and spanish. On campus, Kayli serves as the president of the Husker Speech and Debate team, a key member of the National Student Speech Language and Hearing Association, and a member of the University Honors Program. She previously served as the Husker Speech and Debate team's primary programmer and a first-year peer mentor for the Honors Program. Kayli is a Chancellor's Scholar and UCARE Research Scholar, and she works in the Sensorimotor Integration for Swallowing and Communication Lab at UNL’s Barkley Center. Off campus, Kayli finds passion in advocacy and searching for ways to give a voice to underserved communities.
Brooke Bode, Philanthropy
Hershey, NE

Brooke Bode, daughter of Jason and Kelly Bode, is a mechanical engineering major with minors in computer science and business. Brooke is the founder of Cattle Kettle, a hardware-software startup focused on creating the modern ranch hand for pastures, raising over $150K in non-dilutive funding and counting. She was Miss Hastings 2023 and is Miss Tri-Cities 2024, representing her Service Initiative, Cultivating the Silicon Prairie: The Next Generation of Agriculture, focused on integrating essential technology skills into agriculture education. As a titleholder, Brooke also advocates for those with invisible disabilities; she has two herself. On campus, she works as an Entrepreneurship Ambassador and is active in Big Red Swing Dance, among other involvements. Brooke is in the Jeffrey S. Raikes School of Computer Science and Management Honors Program, where she is the Lead Teaching Assistant for two classes.
Crystal Carrillo, Initiation
Schuyler, NE

Crystal Carrillo, daughter of Servando and Yolanda Carrillo, is a double major in biological sciences with an emphasis in human health and disease, and Spanish on the pre-medicine track. On campus, Crystal serves as a resident assistant for Kauffman Hall and is a member of Kappa Delta Chi Multicultural Sorority. She is also in the Honors Program, where she has served as an Honors Peer Mentor. She was also an orientation leader, where she helped guide incoming freshmen feel welcome and prepared to start college. Off campus, Crystal is a member of the Army National Guard as a combat medic. She is also works as a Certified Nursing Assistant, and a volunteer Spanish translator at Clinic with a Heart, a nonprofit that provides safe, free healthcare to lower income families. Whenever Crystal has a minute of free time, she loves to go ice skating, weightlifting, or play with her nieces.
Evada Palmer, Homecoming
Lincoln, NE

Evada Palmer, daughter of Kory and Nichole Palmer, is a biochemistry major with a minor in humanities in medicine on the pre-med track. She is a Regents scholar and a member of the University of Nebraska Honors Program. On campus, Evada is a teaching assistant for general chemistry, an Honors Peer Mentor, and an NHRI mentor. She has also served as the Personal and Chapter Enrichment Chairwoman and the Parent Relations Chairwoman for her sorority, Gamma Phi Beta. Off campus, Evada enjoys connecting with and caring for others, serving as a volunteer hospice companion with HoriSun Hospice, where she visits patients receiving end-of-life services. She also serves as a volunteer staff member for Launch Leadership, where she works to cultivate confidence in the next generation of leaders.
Abby Shih, Homecoming
Papillion, NE

Abby Shih, daughter of Beth and Tom Shih of Papillion, is a biochemistry and Spanish double-major, with minors in psychology and chemistry, on the pre-medicine track. Abby is a University Honors Program student and Regents Scholar. On campus, she serves as president of the Campus Red Cross Club, vice president and treasurer of the Friends of MSF Chapter, and is a biochemistry ambassador. She is an active member of the Peace Corps Prep Program and UNL Biochemistry Club. Abby has been a SURP Scholar, general biology teaching assistant, and volunteer researcher for the NMB Laboratory. Off campus, Abby volunteers at the Asian Community and Cultural Center, is a Spanish interpreter for Clinic with a Heart, and a patient care technician at Bryan East Medical Center.
Natalie Karrels, Selections
Brookfield, WI

Natalie Karrels, daughter of Paul and Teresa Karrels, is a supply chain management major. Natalie is heavily involved in the Army ROTC program on campus, having served as Ranger Challenge team captain and alpha company commander. This past summer she studied abroad in Tanzania and Kenya through Project Global Officer (GO) where she focused her studies on Swahili and human-environment interactions. Natalie is a part of the Nebraska Business Honors Academy and NHRI. She works at the UNL Outdoor Adventure Center and as a race day coordinator at Pink Gorilla Events.
Hamdan Sayeed, Selections
Kerala, India

Hamdan Anwar Sayeed, son of Anwar Sayeed and Warda Anwar Sayeed, is a Software Engineering Major with a minor in Mathematics. Hailing from Kerala, India, Hamdan has accumulated multiple internships since his freshman year, and is currently leading a team of three to develop an innovative product in his latest Software Engineering Internship. On campus, Hamdan is an active member of the Engineering Student Advisory Board (eSAB) that acts as a liaison between the College of Engineering students and the Dean of the College of Engineering. Within eSAB, Hamdan is part of the Career Development committee that organizes events and panels to connect and network students with industry partners.
Paul Suder, Historian
Omaha, NE

Paul Suder, son of Matthew and Joy Suder of Omaha, is a biological sciences, and french major on the pre-medicine track with minors in biochemistry, human rights and humanitarian affairs, and philosophy. Paul has also studied abroad in both Angers, France and Kigali, Rwanda. Paul is the founder and co-president of the UNL chapter of Friends of Doctors Without Borders, treasurer of UNL Quiz Bowl, ambassador for the College of Arts and Sciences, vice president of the Nebraska Honors Peer Mentor Leadership team, a member of UNL curling, and an Orientation Leader for the summer of 2024. Off campus, Paul has furthered his medical aspirations by participating in anesthesiology research at UNMC, and he currently volunteers at the Bryan Emergency Department and as a tutor for Lincoln Literacy.